Intention Photo
Intention Photo is a personal-use mobile app designed to help photographers realize the deeper intent behind their images. With session prompts and curated lessons, automated logging, and support for film cameras, it encourages you to bring mindful intention to your practice.
Whether used for private reflection, a mindful creative practice, or structured learning, Intention helps photographers stay present, intentional, and connected to their work.
Best of all, no social media is invited into your creative process.
Deepen your Practice
Beyond personal journaling, Intention supports a mindful photography practice by offering guided prompts and thematic exercises. The built-in exercises encourage technical, creative and personal growth. You can use an exercise as a starting point for a photo session or you can create your own prompts and session templates.
Intention has a timer and prompts that can be used to encourage the photographer to slow down and be more mindful while engaged in the photography session. It can also provide periodic reminders to encourage photographers to get out with their cameras.
Intention supports "photo a day" challenges and streaks, a proven technique to strenthen habits. Of course, you need to opt-in to reminders and notifications and it is easy to silence or pause them as needed.
For Photographers
Intention is built to help photographers get more out of their photo sessions — focusing on the connection between place, intent, and personal growth.
Intention provides a structured yet flexible way to document why and how a photo session unfolds. In the app, at the start of a photo session, photographers record their intent, and other information, by taking a reference image with their phone and adding notes or responding to pre-assigned prompts. This lightweight workflow is especially useful for those using non-GPS-enabled cameras, allowing them to later correlate their photos with the session’s purpose and setting.
For photographers who post-process their images, Intention can encourage taking time before reviewing or editing images. After editing images from a session, the phographer can add comments and note how well the session achieved the intention.
For Students
And we are all learning all the time, right?
The Intention app will have searchable lessons, exercises and challenges from a community of teachers. Subscribe to a new course or access the lesson exercises from courses that you are taking on other platforms.
In keeping with our philosophy of self-reflection, you won't find critiques, comments or social media style sharing inside the app. Even when you are being guided by your teacher, Intention is your place to explore creativity and personal growth.
For Teachers
Are you a mindfulness teacher looking to add creativity exercises to your coursework? A photography instructor looking for another way to engage students in technical exercises? Or are you that rare teacher who helps students build creativity, expression and mindfulness through the use of a camera?
Whether you are looking to streamline student access to class exercises in your existing course platform or looking to develop courses on an experiential and mobile first platform, Intention is your new partner.